
Thank you!

Dear Insperity Team,

In a year filled with so much uncertainty, you supported the nonprofit community in so many ways. Your work is far-reaching in the Nashville area and it doesn’t go unnoticed. We often hear stories of your support of our members, and the community at large: From your ____ pledge to address _____ to your ______ following the ______, we are so proud to call you a partner! We were also excited to hear about _______; your engaged support of the ______ with _____; and your deep commitment to various other causes that support ______ and ______, including your giving through the ______. Your efforts are making a lasting impact and we appreciate all that you do to move the needle on our community’s pressing needs.

In addition, we wish to extend a special note of gratitude for your support of CNM! Thank you for pivoting from the _____ of ‘Salute to Excellence’ to a _____ sponsor of our _____. In particular, your support of the _____ allowed us to provide free, crisis-response education and guidance to nearly ____ nonprofit staff members regarding their most pressing leadership challenges.

Below, you will find a catalog of your CNM sponsorship exposure from 2020.

We look forward to a continued partnership! Here’s wishing you a productive and peaceful 2021.

Thank you, The CNM Team

P.S. As we work through the video storytelling piece of our 2020 Salute to Excellence pivots, please note that we will be sure to post a link to the bottom section within this webpage, which will remain available for the next 12 months.

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CNM in the Community

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The Tennessean

Tari Hughes, joins The Tennessean as a guest columnist to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted the Nashville Nonprofit Community - published March 31, 2020.

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Nashville Business Journal

Tari Hughes is named a “2020 Most Admired CEO” by the Nashville Business Journal - published December 11, 2020.

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Sponsor Commitments

CNM partnership means serving the nonprofit sector alongside our dedicated staff, board, funders and civic partners. 2020 storytelling, member education and engagement will feature the following messaging and exposure:

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2020 Program Reports

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CNM Crisis Response 2020 Programming

In this unprecedented year, our primary objective has been to provide responsive and relevant programming at little to no cost to our members. This report showcases some of the ways CNM members utilized our Crisis Response programming and outlines our strategic goals for 2021.

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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Impact Report

CNM believes in creating an equitable, connected community for nonprofits, their partners, and the communities they serve. As our commitment to EDI grows, we are proud to share new processes that will help us further develop our equity lens.

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CNM Social Media

Throughout 2020-2021, CNM shared (1) social post and created (1) unique social post shared across our Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter platforms. These social posts promoted Insperity’s resources to the nonprofit community and sponsorship of CNM programming. Overall, Insperity received more than 900 impressions and 22 post engagements.

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CNM Website Recognition

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CNM Print Materials

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CNM Email Communications

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Video & Storytelling

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Thank You, Insperity!

From all of us at CNM, we would like to thank you for another year of thoughtful partnership. Your support, guidance, and dedication is not only appreciated, but has a been pivotal resource for CNM and the members we support. We are honored to share our 2020 summary with your staff and we look forward to future partnerships in 2021.